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Your home environment plays a significant part in your life.

Interiors Therapy adapts your environment to optimise new opportunities. Whether it’s more prosperity, a promotion, improved family life or a new relationship.

The process identifies the physical obstacles in your space and the psychological barriers you may have.

Clearing those internal and external blocks helps you attract what you want for your life – faster.



Your clutter and unhelpful possessions are blocking the relationship you deserve.

I help women and men achieve a great relationship by clearing their past and present clutter.

When I walked away from my marriage leaving almost everything behind, I felt liberated and free to make a brighter life.

Since then I have seen both men and women struggle to leave behind old relationships and start healthy new ones because they are tied to the past by their possessions.

I began to develop what is now the Interiors Therapy process after friends asked for help when they were moving home or wanted to make a fresh start.

I noticed how different they felt after getting my help and often attracted great new partners within months, they reported making more money and effortlessly dropped excess weight.

After training as a life coach, I recognised there was much more to the process I was using with my clients than simply de-cluttering. I could identify the conscious and subconscious blockages clients had created with their possessions by looking around their homes. 

Using a process of clearing, cleansing and coaching, clients were refreshed and empowered in all areas of their lives.

I am passionate about helping my clients let go of their baggage and move into a fresh future without the past holding them back.

Interiors Therapy is great for creating positive relationships
Clutter damages lives. Sort it out with Interiors Therapy


If you cling to clutter in any part of your life you do yourself and the people who surround you a huge disservice.

There are five main reasons for holding onto clutter; habit, fear, guilt, confusion and spite. 

It’s no surprise that over-stuffed homes mean stagnant air, a lack of energy, weight gain, frayed tempers and a general sense of dissatisfaction with life.

The possessions we surround ourselves with tell a story and lock us in the past. Interiors Therapy is the key to identifying blockages and breaking them down at an emotional and practical level.

Even a small amount of clutter, especially in wardrobes, kitchens and hallways makes every day more complicated. You deserve better!

Clutter represents an absence of motivation and a feeling of ‘lack’ leading you to hold on to items which no longer serve you and a subconscious belief that you can’t manage without them.

When left to fester, aside from gathering dust, clutter creates feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, depression and inability to cope. 

Combined with pets clutter can result in pungent smells the home owner doesn’t notice, insect infestations and harmful bacteria which diminish air quality and can result in problems with breathing including asthma and breathlessness, and difficulty in fighting off infections.

For some clients, pain and physical illness resolve after they de-clutter and work with an Interiors Therapy coach. Clients often lose weight, find they feel more positive and regain a sense of wellbeing.


This is a hands-on intensive one or two-day Interiors Therapy and coaching experience with Suzanne Roynon. 

When booking a consultation a client can expect to spend their day actively identifying blockages, understanding their impact, reviewing and removing clutter from their home.

During this process the client will be coached to identify the root cause of holding on to possessions associated with negative situations and encouraged to look at them in a new light.

Suzanne will explain the basic principles of the Feng Shui Bagua and how to improve the flow of energy within the home.

The consultation is a supportive process and the client will work consistently to achieve the maximum benefit from their day(s). On occasions this may be challenging or emotional. 

Suzanne is not afraid to use ‘tough love’ as part of the Interiors Therapy and coaching process to allow the client to move past procrastination and self doubt, putting them in a positive place for them to take control of their life and move forward.

  • The client takes full responsibility for the possessions they dispose of. Suzanne Roynon is not a specialist in antiques, art or collectibles and will not be liable for anything a client chooses to dispose of during the consultation.

  • It is the client’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for a professional valuation and appropriate method of sale in the event they believe an item is valuable.

  • Suzanne always takes great care when handing items. However, accidents can happen, and the client agrees that Suzanne will not be held liable for any losses or damage.

  • Suzanne is a strong advocate of recycling wherever possible. Clients are asked to consider donating clutter to charity or using the Freecycle or similar network to reduce items reaching landfill.

In addition to the practical benefits of reclaiming space within the home, Interiors therapy is beneficial interms of improved energy and wellbeing.

Clients often find they lose weight, feel happier and lighter in themselves and can experience a sense of deep relief as clutter and unhappy memories leave their home. 

Single clients who would prefer to be in a relationship find they start meeting 'the right kind of person, and many find romance, sometimes after years alone.

We talk personally with every client who wishes to work in person with Suzanne and her team. This is to reassure us you want to change your life for the better and are ready to do the work to make it happen.

The intial inspiration call to discuss your requirements and timescale is free. During the call you can reserve a mutually convenient date for your Interiors Therapy.

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In some cases an Online consultation is the best option for clients who have limited time or who are confident and motivated to work alone.

This is also currently the best option for International clients and during periods of lockdown when travelling is not practical.

Online consultations are a maximum of 3 hours in recognition of the intensity of working at pace.

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Interiors Therapy Online Consultation