Selling Houses/ Moving Home Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui

The Moving On box

Dec 25, 2018

You know those Christmas gifts you really don’t want? The ones that make you cringe or grimace but are given with love by distant relations, colleagues and acquaintances? 

Shhhh, don’t let on, but there is no obligation to keep them!

Yes really! Choosing a life without clutter gives you carte blanche to pass on any gift you don’t love, need or use and you can do it guilt free! If it’s not possible to exchange the gift for something you really want, the next best option is the Moving On box.

Our Moving On box is tucked away out of sight so unwanted gifts can be placed in it without recrimination or awkwardness. 

Call it a ‘departure lounge’ for box sets, peculiar liqueurs, aftershaves, kitsch gifts, comedy slippers, boxes of biscuits and anything else we have no desire to give a home. 

The only rule we have about putting something in the box is that regardless of our decision to get rid of it, a proper ‘thank you’ to the giver is essential.

If someone else in the family wants someone else’s discarded gift, fantastic. It’s theirs to keep. Otherwise, the box is given to the charity shop or raffle collection, ensuring the gifts are put to good use and something positive happens to them.

Remember, you deserve to have only the things you love and use around you – anything else is clutter!