Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui

Tallboy and Connective3 Collaboration

Sep 28, 2022

It’s always fun to be invited to provide collateral for branding campaigns and back at the beginning of summer I was contacted by the team at the amazing Connective3.Com who wanted to know whether there is a connection between de-cluttering and personality types.

After rather more years experience of decluttering and creating nurturing, healthy homes than I care to remember (ahem over 30!) this was a straightforward request as well as great fun to write.

The agency chose not to disclose the name of their client until the press release was released. Only when the first PR alert came through did I find out I’d been commissioned to write for Tallboy Prints.

Funnily enough, I’d recommended Tallboy Prints to a client as there are a couple of images on their website which are particularly supportive to Feng Shui.

The Helpful Friends area would be enhanced with this image by Beth Kemp;

While if it suits your taste and you're interested in strengthening your marriage or romantic relationships, this Catherine Rowe image is great provided a fire or earth Feng Shui remedy is recommended

Having my name featured alongside Tallboy when the press release hit the newswire was wonderful, and rocking up in the Interiors Press invites interest in the power of Interiors Therapy to change lives.

In the first two days the article appeared in House Beautiful, the Femail section of The Daily Mail, West Wales Chronicle and the DoGood website, with more to come. 

You can read these and other articles about Feng Shui and Interiors Therapy at

I have a great deal of admiration for Sophie at Connective3 who has been an exemplary link and I’m delighted to work with the company on other branding campaigns in the future.

Mini Bio

Suzanne Roynon is a Leading International Interiors Therapist and member of the International Feng Shui Guild. She will help you look differently at the things you keep around you to understand how they may be harming your relationship, health, wealth, success and home life. She shares hints and tips to create a home and office space you love and which propels you forward rather than keeping you tied to the past. 


In addition to her Interiors Therapy and Feng Shui consultancy and teaching, Suzanne is a professional speaker and the author of Award-winning Bestseller ‘Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationship’. She is a BBC expert and works with Metro, Sunday Times Style, Natural Health, Real Homes Magazine, Homes and Gardens, NZME and many other national, local media and online organisations to share the advantages of living an Interiors Therapy lifestyle.