Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui

Space clearing change of heart

Sep 02, 2021

“I’m ready to leave, that’s it, I’m done with this apartment”.


Clare was sitting in her elegant drawing room. Behind her, beyond the huge plate glass windows the sea glistened, almost Mediterranean blue in the early summer sunshine. It was a beautiful apartment, but Clare had fallen out of love with it and just being there made her feel tense.


A normally bright, happy and vibrant lady with many friends, Clare seldom smiled now and was critical and dissatisfied with everything about herself and her lifestyle. A year of stress and aggravation had worn her down. 

Clare’s voice was flat, without emotion. She was tired, and emotionally drained, her health had deteriorated and her relationship was limping along, going nowhere. Her busy schedule meant she had waited months for this appointment and had reached the end of her tether.


“I just want to sell this place and move on”


We identified a key area to work on – her office. The office was a room previously used by a lodger with many psychological and emotional problems. 

Since the lodger’s departure, the room had been redecorated and Clare had reclaimed it, moving her desk and filing from other parts of the house into the space. 

Whilst at first glance the room was welcoming, the small roll-top desk, coffee table and cupboards were cluttered and the art wasn’t supportive of Clare’s business or future. Clare’s business was neither thriving or giving her the pleasure it once had.


The top of the desk was so full Clare couldn’t get to the stationery drawers, so she kept two pencil cases by her laptop so she could always find a pen. 

With piles of notebooks, post-its, paperwork and filing taking valuable real estate on the desk, Clare had no room to work. She slumped miserably in the desk chair and started to empty the desk and its hidden drawers without much enthusiasm.


As she checked the value and relevance of everything she had been keeping in the desk, the ‘dump’ pile grew in the doorway. 

The pretty desk turned out to have masses of useful space if items were compartmentalized in tune with the way she used them – active notebooks and diary immediately available on the shelf, pens, post-its and paper fasteners all in their own easily accessible drawers. 

The spare pens, stationery and accounting items which were useful but not needed every day, were tucked into a drawer under the desk. Clare could now work at her desk using her laptop with plenty of space beside her to write.


We then tackled the filing and books stacked in the wardrobe, making space for a two drawer filing cabinet and clearing anything not relevant to her business.


We finished the room by removing some of the paintings Clare had used to decorate the wall above her desk. Whilst they were calm scenes with sentimental value, they didn’t represent the vibrant activity Clare wanted to experience in her work. The office was now ready for action.


When the rest of the apartment had been cleared, Clare enjoyed a VIP shopping trip to find the last few items she needed to enhance the space from a Feng Shui perspective. Although she planned to sell, it was important the apartment fully supported her in the meantime.


The last part of our work together was the Space Clearing ceremony, part of the special VIP package and available only when all clutter has been cleared. This is interactive, uplifting and always individual to the client. 

Space Clearing is the final step in shifting hidden energy blocks lurking in the home, perhaps from previous occupants or unhappy emotional situations. This is the sticky low energy which can remain, even after possessions triggering a negative response have been removed.


After Space Clearing it takes an hour or so for the house to ‘relax’ so we walked to the beach and allowed the energy in the apartment to settle while Clare visualised her ideal new home.


On our return to the apartment Clare immediately noticed a change. The living room was brighter, the atmosphere more welcoming. It felt good to walk into her home after months of tension and irritation. As we sat in her office and she announced…


“It‘s so much cleaner and better, I want to always remember how good this feels.”  She went on “Now I can see this place is perfect for the lifestyle I want, I can stay here, there’s no need to leave”.


The impact of this realisation was dramatic for Clare. She spent the rest of her evening completing tasks which had been on her ‘to do’ list for months. She slept well and woke the next day bursting with energy. 

Before lunchtime she had filed all her outstanding paperwork and made a significant donation to charity. She felt in control again for the first time in months.


Clare’s change in perspective meant she could relax and enjoy the sparkling new energy in her home and look ahead, focusing on her business success and revitalizing the relationship with her partner.