Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui Selling Houses/ Moving Home

Just your average mid-life couple

Oct 07, 2020

They weren’t hoarders – far from it. This was a regular couple who had children and grandchildren. A lifetime of gifts, photos, heirlooms, memories and obligations.

The thing is, they had so much stuff, they couldn’t see any of it. 

The shelves were bending, boxes stacked up in corners and behind furniture, cupboards perilously full and closets overflowing. 

Their expensive car lived on the road because the garage was full of … well basically they had no idea what was in the garage because they couldn’t get into it!

At a time when they wanted to downsize, it felt as though the only logical thing to do was buy a bigger house to make room for the stuff and get the car under cover.

And that’s the flawed reason so many people move to a larger property – the sheer weight of their possessions means they can’t see the ample real estate in the home they already have.

Interiors Therapy is great for downsizing – whether you plan to move or not. 

Create the space you need (and deserve) to have around you by understanding the impact of what you already own.

Find out more in the blueprint to Interiors Therapy ‘Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationship’ (£14.99 Panoma Press)